Keto is one of the most effective diets for getting lean, whilst anabolic steroids are a powerful supplement many people take for both looks and strength. As keto becomes more mainstream, more people are wondering how steroids can affect their body while on keto.
When people are looking for information about whether or not they should take steroids while following a keto diet, they find that there is no clear answer. Some say no, others will say yes – it depends on your goals.
Keto and steroids can be an interesting mix because many people who want to lose weight will go on the keto diet as a way of quickly shedding pounds, but then may also turn to taking steroids as a quick fix for their muscle loss.
If you are looking to build muscle mass, then taking steroids can be beneficial as they increase protein synthesis.
However if you are looking to burn fat and lose weight then this is not the best option, as anabolic steroids have been shown to cause water retention and increased estrogen levels which may lead to gynecomastia (breast enlargement).
Of course these side effects can be remedied by using other drugs such as Clomid or Nolvadex for example but this comes with its own set of risks too!
Let’s explore keto and steroids further.
Cutting Steroids & Keto
Cutting steroids like anavar, winstrol and trenbolone are know for their effectiveness for burning fat. If you follow keto whilst taking any of these compounds, it may encourage fat loss, as it’s more difficult to over-eat on a low-carb diet; due to more stable blood sugar levels reducing cravings.
There are 2 main benefits you could possibly experience, other than an accelerated fat loss when combining keto and cutting steroids and that includes increased glycogen and muscle retention.
Often bodybuilders who follow keto complain that their muscles look smaller. This isn’t necessarily due to muscle loss, but due to less glycogen inside the muscles. When taking steroids like anavar or trenbolone, your muscles may fill out – making your muscles look full and big.
Note: Winstrol is probably the worst steroid for looking full on keto, as this actually expels water out of the muscle cells. However, anavar is probably the best anabolic to keep your muscles looking big, as it causes intracellular fluid retention.
There are many studies that show that when following a strict keto diet for an extended period of time, levels of testosterone will drop naturally resulting in a decrease in muscle mass. This can be negated by taking anabolic steroids such as stanozolol or oxymetholone which will help increase natural testosterone production and accelerate fat loss.
So what’s the catch? You need to be aware that they come with their own set of risks including cardiovascular risks, liver toxicity, psychiatric side effects, infertility, acne and hair loss.
Bulking Steroids & Keto
Bulking steroids are designed to help build muscle mass and increase strength. It is not recommended to take bulking steroids while following the ketogenic diet; however, those who have taken them in conjunction with this diet report that they did not experience any adverse side effects or weight gain.
Bodybuilders often use bulking steroids as an off-season supplement to maintain their body’s muscles during a time of decreased physical activity when their caloric intake has been reduced. This can also be helpful for athletes looking for a performance boost before competitions.
The real danger of taking bulking steroids in combination with the ketogenic diet comes from stacking it with other substances such as glutamine, creatine, protein powders and energy drinks which together can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
It’s best to eat a high-calorie diet whilst bulking, as research has shown this to promote muscle growth.
Also, your muscles won’t be filled with as much glycogen on keto, which may reduce strength levels. So, although it may be possible to build muscle and burn fat on keto – it’s a bit of a mismatch as consuming lots of carbohydrates creates a better environment for building new muscle tissue.
Therefore, it’s probably best to save keto for beach season, rather than in the off-season when bodybuilders are trying to pile on mass by taking compounds like anadrol or dianabol.
Also, some bulking compounds cause fat gain and water retention, thus taking AAS like Anadrol or dbol could prevent any fat loss experienced from keto. One way to get around this would be to take trenbolone or testosterone instead, which are powerful muscle-builders and won’t cause you to gain fat.
Bulking steroids may improve recovery time, allowing users to train harder, longer and more frequently (without overtraining). However, on keto, intense exercise such as lifting weights can become increasingly difficult, as glycogen stores are low. Thus you may have less energy whilst taking steroids.
Keto Bad Breath
Some people complain of bad breath whilst the following a keto diet. This can be quite potent, often smelling like ammonia and is often experienced during the first few weeks of the diet.
If this is something that bothers you, you may want to think twice about combining keto with anabolic steroids. This is because steroids can also cause bad breath in users.
The American Dental Association (ADA) states that “Steroids may affect mouth tissues by changing saliva flow; increasing dryness or sores; worsening gum disease.”
This may be attributed to AAS spiking testosterone levels, as men are more prone to bad breath in comparison to women. And the main hormonal difference between the 2 sexes is testosterone.
If you want to build as much muscle as possible, whilst looking full and pumped – this isn’t a good combination.
However, if you simply want to burn fat and want to take cutting steroids whilst on keto – this may promote further fat loss, as opposed to a standard diet with moderate amounts of carbs.
So if you’re looking at possibly taking steroids while on a keto diet, make sure to consult a health professional first and think about the long term effects it can have on your body.
Also, consider natural steroid alternatives, when trying to bulk when following a keto diet.