Keto supplements are often promoted as giving you long lasting energy, so it’s only natural to take them in the morning. But once your day is over, you want to sleep well and continue to remain in ketosis, right?
Which brings us to the question – can you take keto supplements before bed?
You can take keto supplements before bed, but it is important to choose the right ones. Exogenous ketones are best taken on an empty stomach, and therefore not ideal to take before bed. Our suggested keto supplement to take before bed is Bulletproof Sleep Mode.
The science behind Ketosis is a complex one; therefore, the use of supplements is not as simple as it might seem. Let’s take a look at what the supplements can do for your body and when is the best time to take them.
Best Keto Supplement to Take at Night
We are big fans of Bulletproof Sleep Mode. This is a combination of Bulletproof Brain Octane Oil, plant sourced bio identical melatonin and L-Ornithine for stress reduction and sleep pattern regulation.
The melatonin helps you fall asleep, L-Ornithine regulates sleep patterns and reduces stress and the brain octane oil can get to work producing ketones whilst you sleep to support your energy requirements.
When Is the Best Time to Take Exogenous Ketones?
Exogenous ketones are unique supplements to the keto diet. Keto is based on getting your body and metabolism into ketosis.
In ketosis your body uses ketones for energy instead of glucose. Ketones are created in your body from fats, which leads to weight loss. Exogenous ketones are ketones in the form of a supplement.
Exogenous ketones should be taken on an empty stomach for the best effect. If you take exogenous ketones with a meal, your body will be getting energy from the keto foods you eat, plus the keto supplements. This really negates the use of the exogenous ketones.
Knowing why you are taking the supplements helps you choose the most effective time to take them. Click here for a more detailed guide on when to take exogenous Ketones.
If your goal is to:
Achieve Mental Clarity: Take supplements on an empty stomach
The brain uses a lot of energy every day, and on a non-keto diet, we often experience something called brain fog.
If you are looking for an extra brain boost, take the exogenous ketones on an empty stomach. You will get the benefit of four to six hours of extra mental clarity.
Even if you do not experience brain fog, they will help you get extra brain power when you need it.
Avoid the Keto Flu: Take supplements in smaller doses during the day
When you are just starting or restarting keto, the side effects that can happen are referred to as keto flu. It is difficult to stay on track with your diet if you feel bad and you know that a slice of bread will make you feel instantly better, even if it is just for a little while.
Exogenous ketones will get your body in a state of ketosis immediately. This means supplements can help you stay on the diet and feel better sooner. Use a few smaller doses during the day for the first three to five days of the diet.
Do Endurance Exercise: Take supplements before the workout
When you eat carbs for the glucose to get enough energy to make it through an entire workout, the exogenous ketones taken after the meal can help you not fall out of ketosis. It also helps you gain some extra energy right at the moment you need it.
You can take the supplement before a workout lasting 45 minutes or more.
Burn fat: Take supplements on an empty stomach
Taking exogenous ketones tells your body it should use ketones for energy instead of glucose. When the ketones from the external source are finished, your body will look to make more ketones, possibly from stored fat reserves.
This does not negate the concept of calories in versus calories out equals weight loss or gain. You still have to do the keto diet as normal and not overeat.
Add the supplement with your first meal in the morning on an empty stomach, and the benefits of your diet will increase.
Check Out These Exogenous Ketone Reviews:
Get Into Ketosis Quicker: Take supplements after a meal containing carbs
Especially around the holidays, you may fall off the wagon and start eating off your diet. In that case, you can use keto supplements to get back into ketosis quickly and without too much effort. Use the supplements after a low-carb meal to start to get back on track.
Other Types of Supplements for the Keto Diet
In addition to the exogenous ketones, there are other supplements you can take to help you in your journey to a successful keto diet.
Some of these are great to take at night, such as magnesium.
A magnesium supplement can help you sleep better at night by calming your thoughts, helping regulate melanin production, and reducing stress. It is also a recommended supplement for restless leg syndrome and cramps.
Omega-3 fatty acids are a good supplement for anyone to take but especially for those on a keto diet. Not only do they help combat inflammation and decrease mental health issues, but they also increase the overall benefits of the keto diet.
This is another supplement that can be taken in the evening or at night. Since it can lead to a bit of a fishy smell on your breath, nighttime might be a better time to take it.
Vitamin D is another vitamin of which most people have a shortage. People on the keto diet are no exception, although they are also no more at risk than the general population.
To make sure you take the right dose, a doctor can run a blood test to see if, and how much, you are deficient and prescribe you the right dose of vitamin D. Taking magnesium helps with the absorption of vitamin D. In turn, sufficient vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium.
Since a keto diet can lead to water loss, it can also lead to loss of important minerals and salts. Adding some sodium (for example, by drinking a broth made of bouillon cubes) can counteract this.
If you prefer to take a supplement, you can add some electrolyte supplements as well. This is in addition to making sure that your water intake during the day is the right amount for your activity level.
What Supplements Do You Need on a Keto Diet?
Some trial and error is involved until you find the perfect combination for yourself. There is no hard and fast rule about supplements. What works for one person may not work for someone else.
This is, of course, a very vague answer and not very helpful.
The first step to finding out what supplements you need is to get your bloodwork done by a doctor. Ask to be tested for vitamin and mineral levels.
While this is going on, start keeping a food and mood journal. On one page, write down what time you eat and what you consume. On the page next to this, write down how you feel.
This includes mental health (well-being and happiness), mental energy (brain fog and clarity), physical energy, and physical feeling (such as possible bloating, sleepiness, sleep quality, etc.)
These first entries are your baseline. This is how you are doing right now.
When you get the results back from your doctor, start by supplementing according to the results of your bloodwork. Keep track of everything. Within a week or so, you should be able to see some differences.
After about a month of following the doctor recommended supplements, you can start tinkering with the best time to take them or with adding some others. Always keep your doctor involved because some supplements can interact with medicines or other supplements.
In any type of testing, it is always recommended to try a certain combination or timing for at least a few days before jumping to any conclusions on the effectiveness of a supplement or time.
After collecting data for a few weeks, you should be able to tell with more certainty what works for you and what doesn’t.
Do You Need Supplements on Keto?
It is possible to get all your needed micro and macronutrients from your normal daily food intake.
There is something to be said for being a puritan and only eating whole foods, preferably organic as well.
The keto flu and side effects when we start or restart the keto diet are all survivable without any supplements. It is just a few bad days we can suffer through if we want.
On the other hand, we can also live in this reality and realize that sometimes a little pill or a bit of powder in our morning coffee can make our lives infinitely easier.
The easier we make our diets, the more likely we are to stick with the keto diet. This diet can then increase our health, weight loss, and overall well-being.
If you are not sure if you should take a supplement and you generally feel good, you can ask your doctor to draw blood and do some tests for vitamin and mineral levels.
A deficiency of vitamin D can make a big difference in feeling healthy and happy.
Related Questions
Can Keto Cause Insomnia?
In the short term, yes. However, using supplements and sticking to the diet can lead to deeper and higher quality sleep, even though you may require less of it.
Does Keto Cause Diarrhea?
Digestive problems are a common side effect when transitioning to keto and should go away within three to four weeks on their own.
Some products labeled sugar free can also contain artificial sugars and sugar alcohols which can cause diarrhea. If you are suffering from diarrhea on keto, the following articles may assist:
Do Exogenous Ketones Lead to Immediate Weight Loss?
No. Taking only supplements without following a diet where your caloric input is lower than your output will not lead to weight loss. However, if you do follow a strict keto diet and mind your calorie input, exogenous ketones can increase the rate of your weight loss.