{"id":2023,"date":"2020-03-28T06:59:33","date_gmt":"2020-03-28T06:59:33","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/shortcutketo.com\/?p=2023"},"modified":"2021-10-22T06:30:01","modified_gmt":"2021-10-22T06:30:01","slug":"keto-supplements-on-a-budget-top-12-affordable-items-you-can-use","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/shortcutketo.com\/keto-supplements-on-a-budget-top-12-affordable-items-you-can-use\/","title":{"rendered":"Keto Supplements on a Budget: Top 12 Affordable Items You Can Use"},"content":{"rendered":"
The keto diet has produced amazing results and positively shocking transformations, and sometimes keto supplements are a part of that.<\/p>\n
Keto supplements can be natural vitamin and mineral based, or exogenous ketones to help you achieve and maintain a state of ketosis.<\/p>\n
What are some of the best keto supplements on a budget that will help you fulfill your nutrient requirements without breaking your bank?<\/p>\n
There are a number of supplements to help you out in this regard including some that are extremely common like sodium supplements, magnesium supplements, krill oil, and medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.<\/p>\n
Why do you need supplements on a keto diet and which ones are the best? All your queries regarding keto supplements on a budget will be thoroughly answered in this article.<\/p>\n
To make sure you get all the keto diet benefits while maintaining an optimal nutrient intake, the supplements listed below can help you. These supplements are fairly common and extremely budget-friendly:<\/p>\n
While there are many benefits offered by the keto diet, there is a possibility that you may miss out on some extremely important minerals such as sodium.<\/p>\n Sodium and other electrolytes are needed by the body to regulate the muscle and nerve functions, among many other responsibilities.<\/p>\n Because the keto diet is a type of low-carb diet, it forces your kidneys to get rid of the excess water. As this water is excreted, it takes with it many minerals, including sodium, which need immediate replenishment.<\/p>\n Having low levels of these electrolytes, potassium and sodium in particular, may cause problems like constipation, fatigue, and headaches. These are collectively known as the keto flu<\/a>.<\/p>\n A good balance of sodium in your body is important for optimal functioning of muscles and nerves.<\/p>\n The ability of sodium to retain water also helps maintain the balance of other electrolytes.<\/p>\n While most diets advise reducing your sodium levels, you need more of this electrolyte on the keto diet because of the rapid water loss you experience, especially during the initial few days.<\/p>\n You don\u2019t necessarily need sodium supplements to replenish the levels of this electrolyte. Try relying on natural sources of sodium by:<\/p>\n Sodium has a huge impact on the blood pressure profile. If you are at risk of developing hypertension or concerned about the effect of sodium on blood pressure, monitor your blood pressure regularly. The World Health Organization recommends consuming less than 5 grams of salt per day<\/a> for adults. This is equivalent to 1 teaspoon. <\/p>\n Magnesium deficiency is quite common, especially in people following a low-carb diet.<\/p>\n To know more about magnesium deficiency, blood testing is recommended. Some common signs of magnesium deficiency include fatigue and muscle cramps.<\/p>\n Magnesium is an important electrolyte that can help maintain a strong immune system, a healthy heart rhythm, and optimal muscle functions.<\/p>\n It works together with calcium to maintain healthy bones and participates in more than 300 body functions like maintenance of testosterone and regulation of sleep.<\/p>\n It is possible to get magnesium from keto foods like almonds, pumpkin seeds, leafy greens, high-fat yogurts, and avocados.<\/p>\n However, some of these foods contain carbs and may not be optimal for eating regularly. For this reason, you may need a magnesium supplement.<\/p>\n According to the National Institute of Health Office of Dietary Supplements the recommended daily intake of magnesium<\/a> is 400 to 420mg per day for adult men and 310 to 320mg per day for adult women. <\/p>\n Potassium is important for maintaining a healthy fluid balance, optimal blood pressure, and a regular heart rate.<\/p>\n It helps your body break down carbs and aids in the building of proteins.<\/p>\n While potassium is immensely important during the keto diet, using its supplement form is often discouraged as too much of this nutrient may produce toxicity, known as hyperkalemia. <\/p>\n This fact sheet on potassium supplements<\/a> is an excellent resource for both the benefits of potassium and the dangers associated with excess potassium. <\/p>\n In summary, normal healthy adults should consume potassium in their diets and will excrete any excess potassium through urine.<\/p>\n When following a keto diet<\/a>, the potassium rich foods are nuts, salmon, avocados, mushroom and leafy green vegetables. The recommended dietary intake of potassium is 3400 mg for men and 2600 mg for women.<\/p>\n Calcium plays a number of roles in the body. It helps maintain stronger bones and helps with muscle contraction.<\/p>\n Calcium is also needed by the body for proper blood clotting.<\/p>\n Vegetables high in calcium are brocolli, kale and chinese cabbage and suitable to eat on the keto diet<\/p>\n Fish sources of calcium are sardines, salmon and fish with edible bones.<\/p>\n Calcium is often added to soy and tofu.<\/p>\n Most of the people deficient in calcium require supplementation.<\/p>\n Aim for a supplement that has both calcium and vitamin D as the latter is required for proper absorption of the former.<\/p>\n Both men and women require 1000 mg of calcium on a daily basis and should not exceed 2500 mg of calcium per day.<\/a><\/p>\n Vitamin D is not only a nutrient, but it is also an important hormone in the body.<\/p>\n A lot of companies are currently manufacturing products fortified with vitamin D because it is extremely hard to get enough of it from food alone.<\/p>\n Vitamin D can be obtained through sun exposure but only in areas that have enough sunshine. As we all know, prolonged sun exposure also carries its own risk.<\/p>\n Vitamin D is important for absorbing magnesium, calcium, and other minerals.<\/p>\n It maintains the strength and growth of muscles, healthy levels of testosterone, and optimal bone density.<\/p>\n Vitamin D supports a strong immune system and cardiovascular health.<\/p>\n Despite all the important roles it performs, most people lack vitamin D.<\/p>\n The restrictive nature of the keto diet may also precipitate this deficiency and cause issues with your body.<\/p>\n Vitamin D can be obtained from foods like fatty fish and mushrooms.<\/p>\n You can also replenish the levels of this vitamin by consuming fortified foods.<\/p>\n If you are unable to get rid of a Vitamin D deficiency through food alone, try vitamin D supplements<\/a>.<\/p>\n MCTs refer to medium-chain triglycerides, a form of fat that your body can use at once instead of storing it.<\/p>\n MCTs can trigger the production of ketones in your body, which means that they play an important role in inducing and maintaining the state of ketosis.<\/p>\n Because MCTs can be used as an immediate source of fuel, their supplements are crucial for people following a keto diet.<\/p>\n Using these supplements will make sure that your body is in a fat-burning mode while maintaining all the daily macros.<\/p>\n MCTs are naturally found in butter, yogurt, cheese, and coconut oil.<\/p>\n However, the best way to obtain them is by using a concentrated dose coming from an MCT oil supplement.<\/p>\n MCT oil supplements are available in three different forms:<\/p>\n MCT Oil in liquid form<\/a><\/p>\n MCT Oil Capsules<\/a><\/p>\n MCT Oil Powder<\/a><\/p>\n While looking for an MCT oil supplement, the powdered form is preferred because it is easier on the stomach and can be used by mixing it in smoothies, shakes, and cold drinks.<\/p>\n Remember to use at least one half to a whole scoop of MCT powder per day.<\/p>\n To work optimally, your body requires three different types of omega-3 fatty acids: DHA, ALA, and EPA.<\/p>\n Krill oil is said to be an excellent source of EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) with amazing bioavailability.<\/p>\n Both EPA and DHA are extremely important fatty acids that your body cannot make on its own. This means that they must be obtained either through food or supplements.<\/p>\n While the keto diet does provide your body with omega 3s, there are many keto friendly foods with high levels of omega-6 fatty acids that trigger inflammation in excess.<\/p>\n Most people focus on such foods while consuming lesser amounts of omega 3. This disturbs the balance between the two and causes inflammation and other problems.<\/p>\n Omega 3 oils are also important for maintaining the health of the heart and brain in multiple ways.<\/p>\n Supplementing your body with these fatty acids can help:<\/p>\n Krill oil supplements are a rich source of all the omega-3s found in fish oil but with some additional benefits.<\/p>\n This oil also consists of beneficial phospholipids and astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant.<\/p>\n Astaxanthin possesses strong neuroprotective effects that minimize the damage to the brain and protect the entire nervous system from the harmful effects of oxidative stress.<\/p>\n Unless you like eating wild-caught fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, and sardines), grass-fed beef, or tons of leafy greens every day, you would need to supplement your body with some more omega-3s.<\/p>\n The best way to do so is by consuming krill oil.<\/p>\n According to most of the organizations, about 250 to 500 mg of both DHA and EPA are sufficient for a day.<\/p>\n Studies<\/a> have revealed that most of the health benefits of krill oil can be obtained by consuming 300 mg to 3 grams of it.<\/p>\n This alone can successfully provide your body with 45 to 450 mg of both DHA and EPA combined.<\/p>\n When selecting a krill oil, only choose the ones of the highest quality with strict testing and monitoring.<\/p>\n Ensure that the product you are using does not contain any heavy metals or contaminants of any kind.<\/p>\n Also, look out for the sustainable sourcing techniques preferred by the manufacturer from which you are buying. Take a look at this best selling Krill Oil on Amazon<\/a>.<\/p>\n In addition to the supplements present on the market, there are many healthy foods you may use to improve your health and gain maximum benefits from keto. Spirulina is one of these foods.<\/p>\n Spirulina is a type of green-blue algae containing all the amino acids needed by the body.<\/p>\n This makes it a complete protein and great food.<\/p>\n Spirulina is also a rich source of magnesium, iron, and potassium as well as many other nutrients with antioxidant properties.<\/p>\n Consuming spirulina on a daily basis has been known to produce positive effects on cholesterol. It reduces the levels of bad cholesterol and raises the HDL cholesterol.<\/p>\n You can take spirulina in both powdered or capsule form. The powder can be mixed in any beverage or plain water.<\/p>\n Aim for a teaspoon of 4.5 grams of spirulina powder per day.<\/p>\n Best Selling Organic Spirulina Powder on Amazon<\/a><\/p>\n Best Selling Spirulina Tablets on Amazon<\/a><\/p>\n Just like spirulina, chlorella is also a type of green algae.<\/p>\n Taking it during the initial days of ketosis can help minimize fatigue or prevent it.<\/p>\n Chlorella consists of Chlorella Growth Factor, a nutrient with both DNA and RNA, which promotes the transport of energy between different cells.<\/p>\n Chlorella can be obtained in tablet, powder, or capsule form.<\/p>\n Before you buy any chlorella supplement, make sure that it does not contain heavy metals. You can drink it by mixing it in water or a smoothie.<\/p>\n You can also buy a combined package of Chlorella and Spirulina here.<\/a><\/p>\n Consuming bone broth on a regular basis is a great way to improve your electrolyte intake.<\/p>\n For this reason, it is an amazing food item for those suffering from the keto flu.<\/p>\n Some of the most amazing benefits of bone broth are its ability to do the following:<\/p>\n If you like spending time in the kitchen, you can make your own bone broth at home. You may also find some pre-made brands<\/a> if you wish to save time and effort.<\/p>\n Bone broth can be enjoyed at any time. You can either add it in your meals or use it directly. Using bone broth is particularly soothing before bedtime.<\/p>\n Because keto is a high-fat diet, it may cause some digestive problems in the initial days because your body is not used to processing such high levels of fat.<\/p>\n For such people, dandelion is a great source of relief.<\/p>\n Using dandelion root can stimulate the production of bile in the gallbladder which eventually aids in better absorption of fats and better overall digestion.<\/p>\n Dandelion Root can be taken in the following ways:<\/p>\n Dandelion Root Tea Bags<\/a><\/p>\n Dandelion Root Loose Leaf Tea<\/a><\/p>\n Dandelion Liquid Extract<\/a><\/p>\n Dandelion Root Capsules<\/a><\/p>\n<\/span><\/p>\n
1. Sodium Supplements<\/h2>\n
How To Increase Sodium Levels<\/h3>\n
Daily Sodium Intake for the Keto Diet<\/h3>\n
2. Magnesium Supplements<\/h2>\n
Sources of Magnesium<\/h3>\n
3. Potassium Supplements<\/h2>\n
Potassium Rich Foods for the Keto Diet<\/h3>\n
4. Calcium Supplements<\/h2>\n
Keto Foods with Calcium<\/h3>\n
5. Vitamin D for Strength and Hormonal Balance<\/h2>\n
How to Increase Vitamin D Intake<\/h3>\n
6. MCT Oil for Maintaining Ketosis<\/h2>\n
How to Use Medium Chain Triglycerides<\/h3>\n
7. Krill Oil for the Health of Brain and Heart<\/h2>\n
Why Krill Oil?<\/h3>\n
How to Get Krill Oil<\/h3>\n
8. Spirulina to Control Cholesterol<\/h2>\n
How to Use Spirulina<\/h3>\n
9. Chlorella to Fight Fatigue<\/h2>\n
How to Use Chlorella<\/h3>\n
10. Bone Broth for Electrolytes and Body Strength<\/h2>\n
How to Use Bone Broth<\/h3>\n
11. Dandelion Root for Fat Absorption<\/h2>\n
How to Use Dandelion Root<\/h3>\n